Paint Protection Films

Broadly known as PPF, this straightforward serious shine film is the most developed and tough insurance that you can offer your vehicle. Scared of being scratched by the neighbor’s children, or recently stressed that your significant other could scratch the guard in the stopping? Well PPF will help forestall practically all profound scratches and cuts with its thick layer of insurance. We offer Self-mending thermo-plastic polyurethane (TPU) PPF which totally recuperates all whirl marks or shallow scratches that show up because of inappropriate washing. PPF keeps pretty much every conceivable scratch from arriving at the paint.
Paint insurance films accompany 5, 7, and 10-year guarantee plans.
Look over a scope of Wheel, Glasses, and Plastic trim coatings alongside your PPF prerequisites, around here at Vahan Detailing.
Reach us by finishing up the enquiry structure and getting your vehicle safeguarded with PPF today.


  • The given guarantee on the applied film is given by the organization (or brand) to which the item has been applied and the ultimate conclusion of cases lies with the brand.
  • Taking into account Indian conditions, minor residue specs might emerge during the application, yet we ensure that we convey the vehicle according to satisfactory norms.
  • PPF application incorporates a 2D film being applied on a 3D surface and in this way, the film must be extended at specific corners for the best grip. Accordingly not many stretch imprints are undeniable.
  • We utilize the best-marked TPU films which have self ability to mend. Yet, this property works just on minor whirl denotes that emerge because of ill-advised washing rehearses. Profound scratches don’t mend however, generally speaking, PPF shields the paint from them.
  • Because old enough and oxidation, PPF very much like anything more, ages and experiences natural harm. With time, slight yellowness is inescapable however not at all unlike modest quality PPF, this yellowness doesn’t occur immediately.
  • The bond of PPF is an area of strength for exceptionally it might create some issues on re-painted boards when taken out. Albeit this chance could be diminished with great painting workmanship. Consequently, guarantees are not pertinent on repainted boards.
  • PPF application is an intricate interaction and contingent upon the size and state of the board, a couple of times we as instruments need to choose to put a joint on the film applied. We attempt to keep away from this however much as could be expected yet at specific times it is compulsory.

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We are the Biggest Detailing Studio in Eastern Odisha with a workshop area of 17,000 sqft covered.

Contact info

Address: Plot No – 214 , Gate No-3, NH-5 Pahal, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 752101

Phone: +91-7377200009

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