Body-shop (Denting & Painting)

We give A-grade painting administrations across various kinds and classifications of vehicles accessible on the lookout. It very well may be a board of your new vehicle, a total external body paintwork for a modestly matured vehicle, a custom variety paintwork f your decision, or perhaps an in-your-face rebuilding of your old family’s vehicle; we are here to take care of you. Our accomplished staff places the most extreme consideration in drawing out the most ideal completion on your vehicle’s paint. We tenaciously follow every single required convention and spotlight on conveying an extraordinary encounter that you likely probably won’t have had at the body shop previously. Our paint occupations accompany a 2-year application guarantee and whenever taken great consideration, the paint can without much of a stretch last you 10 years.
Browse a scope of Body, Wheel, Glasses, Plastic trim coatings, and Paint security films after the Paintwork, around here at Vahan Detailing. Full-body paint occupations get limits on specifying and paint security administrations.
Reach us by finishing up the enquiry structure and getting your painting today.


  • Vigorously rusted vehicles or vehicles which have been painted on various occasions before won’t be covered under guarantee.
  • We give a 6-month guarantee on Rusting, a 1-year guarantee on Rankling, Breaking, Stripping, and Paint grip, and a 3-year guarantee on Clear coat disappointment or potentially Paint disappointment.
  • Paint shrinkage is ordinary and OK on vehicles with weighty base work. Be that as it may, breaking and stripping of paint in such vehicles is as yet covered under guarantee.
  • Life of the paint is absolutely reliant upon the use and upkeep by the client.

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We are the Biggest Detailing Studio in Eastern Odisha with a workshop area of 17,000 sqft covered.

Contact info

Address: Plot No – 214 , Gate No-3, NH-5 Pahal, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 752101

Phone: +91-7377200009

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